Ponto Beach

Ponto Beach

Friday, January 15, 2010

Pic and Story Idea

This is an idea I have for a painting. I hope to do it in either watercolor or acrylic, and maybe pen and pencil as well. I like the initial idea, seems like maybe a story could go with it too. I really like the third figure at the bottom left, kind of a more menacing figure than the mermaid holding on to the man. She doesn't seem to want to intentionally harm him, just to hold him whether that means keeping him under or not. For his part, the male has an arm around her, yet reaches for the surface. Yep, I think this pic needs to be finished and needs fleshing out in written form. I hope to get at least the writing done this coming week, who knows when the picture will get done? I am great at starting, not so great at finishing, but the motivation is there, so I will strike while the iron is hot! Wish me luck!

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