Ponto Beach

Ponto Beach

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sports Stars and the public's need for apology

As of yesterday, the sports world, or at least the sports reporters are all a flutter about Mark McGuire and his sudden need to admit his steroid use. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty, and there was no proof until now, but I am always amused at how people choose to spin stuff.
Why does the public need his apology in the first place? He played a GAME, not swindled people out of their life savings or killed someone. It's just baseball, and baseball itself is not willing to fully admit the problems it has in the first place. Why is this a big deal? Anyone who watched should have at least suspected that he was using the "juice", so why blow it up so big at this point? Baseball had to know and they turned a blind eye, only "investigating" now and then. It makes no sense to me.
It seems to me that sports writers are some of the most jealous people in our country. The reaction to Tiger Woods infidelity has been pretty spectacular! How does it actually affect anyone but his family? He only cheated them and didn't really even project himself as some cuddly teddy bear outside of golf. Is he flawed? Sure, but I am still a fan because I only liked him for how he hit a golf ball, not for the funny jokes he told when we hung out at barbecues. I didn't know him, and that's what I think gets these reporters: he never let them be cool enough to hang with him and kept them at arms length. They are much more forgiving of people they think are "good" than others when we have no real idea who is good and who is not. Lets just try to take it for what it is and leave it with that.

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