Ponto Beach

Ponto Beach

Thursday, January 14, 2010


I am currently looking for a teaching job. California is unique as far as I know since they post all the teaching jobs to one site. Should be interesting to see what opens up. I was hoping someone would take a pregnancy leave over Christmas break so I could work sooner...beats having to replace someone who got fired!

I teach Art and or PE, but I like Art best. There is a lot of satisfaction to be had from helping someone realize that they ARE an artist and can be creative. A lot of parents sell their kids short and try to "help me out" by telling me their kids aren't good at Art. That is all I need to hear! Of course their kid isn't good at Art, are you encouraging them? Exposing them to it? Buying them supplies for it? Well why should they be any good at it? It has been challenging, but if the student will put in the work you can see amazing results.

That does not mean the kid will all of a sudden be a fantastic artist, it means they will leave better than when they came in. How much better is totally up to them. I wish I had saved some before and after pics. I can't really take credit, as the student does all of the work, but you should see some of the results! I am really looking forward to getting back into the classroom. Wish me luck!

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